Agriculture Awareness Initiative Program (AAIP)

Up to $50,000
Application Difficulty
Application DeadlineDecember 01, 2027
Time To Complete4 weeksProgram Budgetno cap
See If You Qualify


This program is designed for businesses like yours to build awareness and trust in modern agriculture. By participating, you can receive up to $50,000 annually in funding, covering 75% of eligible project costs. This financial support can be used for multiple projects over the five-year term, allowing you to plan and execute impactful initiatives.

What You Get

  • 75% rebate on eligible costs up to $50,000 per year
  • Multiple projects within the annual funding limit
  • No limit on the number of projects over the program's five-year term

Benefits to Your Business

  • Enhanced public trust in your agricultural practices
  • Educational resources to engage consumers and youth
  • Support for strategic industry projects targeting key audiences

This program offers a unique opportunity to promote your business's sustainability efforts while receiving substantial financial support. The application process is straightforward, and as a qualified applicant, you can start planning your projects with confidence.

Financing Details

Type of Financing: Rebate

Repayment Terms and Interest Rates:

  • No repayment terms or interest rates apply as this is a rebate program.

Eligible Expenses:

  • Planning and organizing public trust conferences, speakers, and workshops:
    • Speaker fees and travel expenses (hotel, travel)
    • Conference room/equipment rental (audio visual)
    • Event promotion (advertisement in print or digital media including development of content)
  • Development of educational resources (brochures, pamphlets, trade show material, etc.):
    • Writing, design, and printing costs
    • Assembly and distribution
    • Focus groups and delivery training
  • Creation of awareness and educational campaigns:
    • Filming and editing fees
    • Graphic design
    • Website development or enhancement
    • Writing and printing costs
    • Promotion and hosting fees
    • Equipment costs pertaining to project
  • Development of displays:
    • Display design and construction costs
    • Event/trade show space rental
    • Travel/display shipping and set up costs
    • Development and delivery of related programming
  • Organization of agricultural tours:
    • Transportation
    • Promotional materials
    • Admission fees
  • Research activities measuring public perception of agriculture:
    • Third-party facilitation costs
    • Production and promotion of results
  • Training for third-party delivery agents

Ineligible Expenses:

  • Training and wages/salaries for employees
  • Administration costs and other activities not directly related to the project
  • Funding for core organizational activities or other typical operating expenses, such as salaries, office costs, organizational marketing expenses, etc.
  • Legal fees, accounting, or auditing expenses
  • Alcohol or gifts
  • Technology transfer or extension activities where building public trust is not the primary objective
  • Funding for initiatives with goals or messaging that does not improve understanding of modern agriculture
  • Capital costs, such as infrastructure and equipment, unless dedicated to the project
  • Per diems - Travel, food, and beverage costs except where necessary for project success and pre-approved
  • Conference registrations or attending trade shows as a non-exhibitor
  • Projects that have already begun or have been completed
  • Gratuities or taxes


  • No fees are associated with this program.


  • Must be a Saskatchewan-based organization or individual.
  • Individual applicants must be at least 18 years of age.
  • If involved with livestock operations, must have a Saskatchewan Premises Identification (PID) number.
  • Must not be receiving core funding from the Ministry of Agriculture.
  • Must consult with a Public Trust Specialist before applying.
  • Must disclose any real or perceived conflict of interest in proposed projects.

  • Disqualifications:

    • Organizations receiving core funding from the Ministry of Agriculture.
    • Projects that advance private or corporate interests (e.g., marketing campaigns to increase sales of a proprietary product).
    • Projects that have already begun or have been completed.
    • Training and wages/salaries for employees.
    • Administration costs and other activities not directly related to the project.
    • Legal fees, accounting or auditing expenses.
    • Alcohol or gifts.
    • Technology transfer or extension activities where building public trust is not the primary objective.
    • Capital costs, such as infrastructure and equipment, unless dedicated to the project.
    • Per diems - Travel, food, and beverage costs except where necessary for project success and pre-approved.
    • Conference registrations or attending trade shows as a non-exhibitor.
    • Gratuities or taxes.
    • Projects receiving funding from other government programs that exceed 100% of total eligible expenses.


This program offers your business a chance to receive up to $50,000 in funding. You can use this money to create educational resources, organize events, or develop campaigns that build trust and awareness in modern agriculture.

You can apply for multiple projects within the annual $50,000 limit. The program runs until March 31, 2028, giving you ample time to plan and execute your initiatives. All projects must be completed before you receive the funding, and the minimum rebate is $250.

Eligible expenses include costs for planning events, developing educational materials, creating awareness campaigns, and organizing agricultural tours. This funding can help you cover speaker fees, travel expenses, promotional materials, and more. This is a great opportunity to enhance public understanding and trust in agriculture while receiving substantial financial support.

Program Steps

  1. Consult with a Public Trust Specialist: Before starting your application, consult with a Public Trust Specialist to discuss your project and ensure it aligns with the program's objectives.

  2. Prepare Documentation: Gather the necessary documents for your application. These include:

    • Detailed project proposal
    • Budget breakdown
    • Proof of Saskatchewan Premises Identification (PID) number (if involved with livestock operations)
    • Any other supporting documents relevant to your project
  3. Complete the Application Form: Download and fill out the Agriculture Awareness Initiative Program Pre-Approval Application Form. Ensure all sections are completed accurately.

  4. Submit the Application: Submit your completed application package by email to [email protected] or by mail to:

    Agriculture Awareness Initiative Program Ministry of Agriculture, Programs Branch 329 – 3085 Albert Street Regina SK S4S 0B1

  5. Wait for Pre-Approval: After submission, wait for the pre-approval of your project. You will be notified if your project is approved and provided with a claim form.

  6. Execute the Project: Once pre-approved, proceed with executing your project as outlined in your proposal. Ensure all expenses are documented and paid in full.

  7. Submit Claims for Reimbursement: After completing the project, fill out the claim form and submit it along with all invoices and proof of payment to the program. Proof of payment may include bank/credit card statements or processed cheque images.

  8. Receive Reimbursement: Upon review and approval of your claim, you will receive a rebate for eligible costs up to the maximum payment allowed by the program.

Visit Program Website