Book Publishing Tax Credit

Up to $100,000
Application Difficulty
Time To Complete4 weeksProgram Budgetno cap
See If You Qualify


This program is designed for businesses like yours, offering significant tax credits to support your growth and innovation. By applying, you can benefit from an 8% tax credit on qualified plant, machinery, and equipment for first-time use in manufacturing or processing in Manitoba. This credit is 7/8 refundable, meaning you get most of the credit back even if your tax liability is low.

Key Benefits:

  • 8% tax credit on eligible property
  • 7/8 refundable, ensuring you receive most of the credit back
  • 10-year carry-forward for unused credits, providing long-term financial flexibility

Approval for this program can help you reduce your tax burden, freeing up capital to reinvest in your business. The qualification process is straightforward, making it easier for you to access these benefits and enhance your business operations.

Financing Details

Type of Financing: Tax Credit

Repayment Terms and Interest Rates:

  • This is a refundable tax credit, so there are no repayment terms or interest rates.

Eligible Expenses:

  • Qualified plant, machinery, and equipment for first-time use in manufacturing or processing in Manitoba.
  • Equipment under Class 43.1 and Class 43.2, which includes equipment used to produce energy from renewable sources and equipment that uses energy more efficiently.

Use of Funds:

  • The funds can be used to offset Manitoba corporate income tax payable in the year earned.
  • Unused credits can be carried forward for up to ten years.

Restrictions on Use of Funds:

  • The funds cannot be used for expenses that do not qualify as plant, machinery, or equipment for manufacturing or processing.
  • The funds cannot be used for non-eligible property or expenses outside the scope of the program.


  • There are no fees associated with this tax credit program.


  • Must be a corporation.
  • Must acquire qualified plant, machinery, and equipment for first-time use in manufacturing or processing in Manitoba.
  • Must have a permanent establishment in Manitoba.
  • Equipment must be under class 43.1 or class 43.2, which includes equipment used to produce energy from renewable sources and equipment that uses energy more efficiently.

  • Disqualifications:

    • Equipment not used for manufacturing or processing.
    • Equipment not acquired for first-time use.
    • Equipment not under class 43.1 or class 43.2.


This program offers your business a refundable tax credit of up to 45% on eligible salaries paid to Manitoba residents and qualifying non-resident employees for work on film or video productions. This means you can get back a significant portion of what you spend on wages.

Additional bonuses can increase your credit to a maximum of 65%. These include:

  • A 10% frequent-filming bonus if you produce three eligible films in two years.
  • A 5% bonus if a Manitoba resident is credited as a producer.
  • A 5% rural and northern bonus for productions outside Winnipeg.

Alternatively, you can choose a 30% tax credit based on production costs incurred and paid in Manitoba, including labor, goods, services, and accommodation costs up to $250 per night per unit.

This program is designed to support your business by reducing costs and encouraging more film and video production in Manitoba.

Program Steps

  1. Gather Required Documentation: Prepare the necessary documents to support your application. You will need:

    • Financial statements
    • Business plan
    • Details of the intended use of funds (e.g., quotes for equipment or renovation costs)
    • Proof of eligibility (e.g., business registration documents)
  2. Complete the Application Form: Obtain and fill out the application form for the program. Ensure all sections are completed accurately.

  3. Submit the Application: Submit your completed application form along with the required documentation to the appropriate government office or online portal.

  4. Await Review: The application will be reviewed to ensure it meets all criteria. Be prepared to provide additional information if requested.

  5. Approval and Agreement: If approved, review the terms and conditions of the program. Sign any necessary agreements or contracts.

  6. Receive Funds: Once all agreements are signed, the funds will be disbursed to your business.

  7. Utilize Funds as Intended: Use the funds for the approved purposes, such as purchasing equipment or making improvements.

  8. Maintain Records: Keep detailed records of how the funds are used, as you may need to provide this information for audits or future applications.

  9. Report Progress: Submit any required progress reports or updates as specified by the program guidelines.

  10. Comply with Program Requirements: Ensure ongoing compliance with all program requirements and conditions throughout the duration of the funding period.

Visit Program Website