CGLCC- Tourism

Application Difficulty
Time To Complete4 weeksProgram Budgetno cap
See If You Qualify


This program is designed specifically for businesses like yours in the tourism industry. By participating, you can tap into the lucrative LGBT+ travel market, valued at over $12 billion annually. LGBT+ travellers spend significantly more than their mainstream counterparts and are eager to explore travel opportunities within Canada. This program offers you the tools and training to ensure your business is a welcoming and inclusive space for these travellers.

What You Get:

  • Training and Educational Tools: Learn how to create an inclusive environment through workshops and seminars.
  • Rainbow Registered Accreditation: Showcase your business as a safe and inclusive space for LGBT+ travellers.
  • Destination Audits: Assess and improve your readiness to serve the LGBT+ market.
  • Tourism Toolkit: Access a comprehensive set of resources to help you develop and market LGBT+ inclusive products and services.

By joining this program, you will not only enhance your business's appeal to a high-spending market but also foster a more inclusive and welcoming environment. The process to qualify is straightforward, and the benefits to your business are substantial.

Financing Details

Type of Financing: Grant

Repayment Terms:

  • No repayment required.
  • No interest rates apply.

Eligible Expenses:

  • Marketing and promotional activities.
  • Training and educational programs.
  • Infrastructure improvements to enhance safety and inclusivity.
  • Development of new tourism products and services.

Ineligible Expenses:

  • General operating expenses.
  • Salaries and wages not directly related to the project.
  • Debt refinancing.
  • Purchase of real estate.


  • No application fees.
  • No administrative fees.


  • Must be a business operating within Canada.
  • Must be part of the tourism industry.
  • Must be committed to creating a safe and inclusive space for LGBT+ travellers.
  • Must be willing to undergo diversity and inclusion training.
  • Must be ready to implement meaningful practices for LGBT+ inclusivity.
  • Must be open to participating in workshops and seminars on LGBT+ diversity and inclusion.
  • Must be prepared to conduct a destination audit to assess LGBT+ travel market-readiness.
  • Must be a member of the Canadian Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (CGLCC).

  • Disqualifications:

    • Businesses not operating within Canada.
    • Businesses outside the tourism industry.
    • Businesses unwilling to commit to LGBT+ inclusivity and safety.
    • Businesses not open to participating in required training and workshops.


This program is designed to help your business attract LGBT+ travellers, a market worth over $12 billion annually. LGBT+ travellers spend more on their trips and recover faster from industry shocks. Right now, 90% of them are looking for travel opportunities within Canada.

To tap into this lucrative market, your business needs to ensure it is a safe and inclusive space for LGBT+ travellers. This means recognizing gender and sexual diversity and implementing practices that make these travellers feel comfortable and welcome.

The program offers several benefits:

  • Training and educational tools: Learn how to create an inclusive environment for LGBT+ employees and customers.
  • Rainbow Registered accreditation: Showcase your business as a safe and inclusive space.
  • Workshops and seminars: Gain insights into the LGBT+ travel market and best practices.
  • Destination audits: Assess your strengths and areas for improvement in welcoming LGBT+ travellers.
  • Tourism toolkit: Access resources to help create an LGBT+ inclusive organization.

By participating in this program, you can boost your business by attracting a high-spending, loyal customer base.

Program Steps

  1. Register or Log In: Visit the CGLCC website and either register for a new account or log in if you already have one.

  2. Complete Profile Information: Fill out your profile information, including contact details and business information.

  3. Prepare Documentation: Gather the necessary documents to support your application. These may include:

    • Business registration documents
    • Financial statements
    • Business plan
    • Proof of any previous diversity and inclusion training
    • Marketing materials showcasing your business's inclusivity efforts
  4. Certification Details: Fill out the certification details section, providing information about your business's commitment to LGBT+ inclusivity.

  5. Payment: Complete the payment process for the application fee, if applicable.

  6. Submit Application: Review all entered information and submit your application through the CGLCC portal.

  7. Await Review: Wait for the CGLCC to review your application. They may contact you for additional information or clarification.

  8. Approval and Accreditation: Upon approval, you will receive your certification and can start using the Rainbow Registered mark to promote your business as LGBT+ inclusive.

Visit Program Website