Community Interaction Program — Study/action projects

Up to $200,000
Application Difficulty
Time To Complete4 weeksProgram Budgetno cap
See If You Qualify


This program is a fantastic opportunity for your business to secure funding for projects that enhance and protect the St. Lawrence ecosystem. By participating, you can receive up to 70% of your project costs covered, with a maximum of $200,000 for restoration and protection projects. This financial support can significantly reduce your out-of-pocket expenses, allowing you to focus on impactful environmental initiatives.

What You Get

  • Up to $200,000 in funding for restoration and protection projects
  • Up to $100,000 for awareness-raising activities
  • Up to $25,000 for study projects
  • Up to $200,000 for study-action projects


  • Substantial financial support: Cover up to 70% of eligible project expenses.
  • Diverse project categories: Funding available for awareness, studies, restoration, and protection.
  • Community involvement: Enhance your business's reputation by contributing to the local ecosystem.

Why Apply?

  • Government-backed funding: More reliable and potentially more favorable terms than private loans.
  • Environmental impact: Contribute to the conservation and improvement of the St. Lawrence ecosystem.
  • Community support: Projects that involve and benefit the community are highly encouraged.

Applying is straightforward, and the program officers are available to assist you throughout the process. This is a unique chance to make a significant environmental impact while receiving substantial financial support.

Financing Details

Type of Financing: Grant

Repayment Terms and Interest Rates:

  • No repayment required: As this is a grant, you do not need to repay the funds.
  • No interest rates: Since there is no repayment, there are no interest rates associated with this grant.

Eligible Expenses:

  • Human resources: Salaries and benefits for project staff.
  • Management and professional services: Including communications, graphic design, and translation.
  • Travel: Costs associated with project-related travel.
  • Equipment and supplies: Purchase or rental of necessary equipment and supplies.
  • Printing, production, and distribution: Costs for materials related to the project.
  • Contractors: Fees for contractors required to perform project activities.
  • Administrative costs: A reasonable share of overhead and administrative expenses.

Ineligible Expenses:

  • Operating expenditures: Not related to the project.
  • Land purchases: Funds cannot be used to purchase land.
  • Lobbying activities: Any activities related to lobbying are not covered.
  • Recurring projects: Annual activities, regular events, and fundraising events are not eligible.
  • Construction and repair of infrastructure: Such as buildings, marinas, docks, roads, or other infrastructure.


  • No application fees: There are no fees associated with applying for this grant.
  • No administrative fees: The program does not charge any additional administrative fees.

This grant offers a significant opportunity to support your project without the burden of repayment or interest, allowing you to focus on achieving your project goals.


  • Must be a non-profit, non-government organization.
  • Must be legally constituted for at least one year.
  • Must have an established place of business in Quebec.
  • Must demonstrate a charter under Quebec’s Companies Act (Part III) or its equivalent.
  • Indigenous communities are eligible.

  • Disqualifications:

    • Individuals.
    • Departments and government agencies.
    • Municipalities.
    • Educational institutions.
    • Private companies.


This program provides financial assistance to support community projects aimed at conserving and improving the St. Lawrence ecosystem. Your business can receive up to 70% of the total project costs through this program.

Funding can be used for:

  • Raising awareness about environmental issues
  • Conducting studies related to the ecosystem
  • Implementing action plans based on these studies
  • Restoring and protecting sensitive areas

Maximum funding available:

  • Awareness-raising projects: $100,000
  • Study projects: $25,000
  • Study-action projects: $200,000
  • Restoration and/or protection projects: $200,000

Eligible expenses include:

  • Salaries and benefits for human resources
  • Professional services like communications and graphic design
  • Travel, equipment, and supplies
  • Printing, production, and distribution costs
  • Equipment purchase or rental

This program is a great opportunity for your business to contribute to environmental conservation while receiving substantial financial support. Projects can last up to 36 months, giving you ample time to make a significant impact.

Program Steps

  1. Contact a Project Officer: Reach out to a project officer to discuss your project idea and ensure it aligns with the program's objectives. They can provide guidance and feedback on your preliminary proposal.

  2. Prepare Necessary Documentation: Gather and prepare the following documents:

    • Application form
    • Detailed project proposal
    • Budget plan
    • Letters of support from partners
    • Maps or photographs of the project area
    • Any required approvals or permits
    • Plans and specifications for technical aspects of the project
  3. Develop a Detailed Project Proposal: Clearly outline your project activities, objectives, and expected outcomes. Include sections on:

    • Human resources and staff experience
    • Work plan and methodology
    • Communications plan
    • Environmental impact and mitigation measures
    • Performance indicators and sustainability of environmental benefits
  4. Secure Matching Funds and Partnerships: Identify and secure matching funds and partnerships. Document the contributions of all partners, including financial, material, or human resources. Obtain letters of support detailing the dollar value and purpose of each partnership.

  5. Submit Your Application: Send your completed and signed application by one of the following methods:

    • By mail: Community Interaction Program, 1550, D’Estimauville Avenue, Quebec QC G1J 0C3
    • By fax: 418-649-6674
    • By email: [email protected]
  6. Await Response: After submission, expect a response about 16 weeks after the project submission date. Be prepared to provide any additional information or clarification if requested.

  7. Finalize Agreement: If your project is selected for funding, finalize the agreement with the program, ensuring all matching funds and partner contributions are confirmed.

Visit Program Website