Export Funding NB

Up to $15,000
Application Difficulty
Time To Complete4 weeksProgram Budgetno cap
See If You Qualify


The Export Funding NB program is designed to help your business grow its sales outside New Brunswick. This program offers financial assistance for various activities such as market research, export plan development, lead generation, and digital marketing strategies. By participating, you can receive up to 65% of eligible costs reimbursed, with a maximum contribution of $15,000.

What You Get:

  • Market research to identify new opportunities
  • Export plan or strategy development to guide your efforts
  • Lead generation and sales activities to boost your client base
  • Export-focused website additions and SEO to enhance your online presence
  • Digital ads or social media strategy to reach a broader audience
  • Coaching and mentoring to support your export growth

This funding is provided as a reimbursement, meaning you will need to cash flow the project initially but will be reimbursed once the project is complete. This program is a great opportunity to expand your business without bearing the full financial burden upfront. The application process is straightforward, and you can expect to hear back within two weeks.

Financing Details

Type of Financing: Reimbursement

Repayment Terms and Interest Rates:

  • No repayment terms or interest rates apply as this is a reimbursement program.

Eligible Expenses:

  • Market research
  • Export plan or strategy development
  • Lead generation and sales activities
  • Export-focused website additions and SEO
  • Digital ads or social media strategy
  • Coaching and mentoring on eligible activities
  • Professional/consulting fees to undertake activities
  • Online advertising costs

Ineligible Expenses:

  • Consultant travel and trade show attendance fees
  • Printing of brochures
  • Production of trade show booths
  • Maintenance fees
  • Web hosting fees
  • HST


  • No fees are associated with the program.


  • Must have Head Office registered and operating in New Brunswick.
  • Must be exporting or planning to export.
  • Must have a Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) business number.
  • Must demonstrate an increase in revenue, profit, or workforce in the past two years.
  • Must show that the proposed activity will improve export performance.


  • Businesses in the retail/wholesale sector.
  • Real estate businesses.
  • Government services.
  • Personal or social services.
  • Softwood lumber industry.
  • Professional services such as marketing firms, creative agencies, business or fitness coaches (unless the project represents a unique and/or strategic opportunity with potential economic benefit to NB).
  • Consultant travel and trade show attendance fees are not eligible.
  • Applicants must not make any financial commitments prior to submission, or costs incurred will not be eligible.


This program offers financial assistance to help your business increase sales outside New Brunswick. You can receive up to 65% of eligible costs, with a maximum contribution of $15,000. This means if your project costs $23,076.92 or more, you can get the full $15,000 reimbursement. For smaller projects, like one costing $5,000, you would get $3,250 back.

Eligible activities include market research, developing an export plan, lead generation, sales activities, website improvements, digital ads, social media strategies, and coaching. These activities are designed to help your business grow and succeed in new markets.

You will need to cover all costs upfront, but you will be reimbursed once the project is complete. This program is a great way to get expert help and funding to expand your business beyond New Brunswick. All projects must be completed within six months, ensuring timely progress and results.

Program Steps

  1. Complete the Online Application Form: Visit the program's website and fill out the online application form. Ensure all fields are accurately completed.

  2. Prepare Documentation: Gather the necessary documents to support your application. You will need:

    • Financial statements for the past two years
    • Business plan or export strategy
    • Consultant proposals for the planned activities
    • Proof of your Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) business number
    • Evidence of your head office being registered and operating in New Brunswick
  3. Attach Consultant Proposals: If you plan to hire consultants for different activities, ensure you attach a proposal for each activity to your application.

  4. Submit the Application: Once all documents are prepared and attached, submit your application through the program's online portal.

  5. Wait for Evaluation: After submission, your application will be evaluated. You will be notified of the outcome, usually within two weeks.

  6. Sign the Contract: If approved, a contract will be issued between LearnSphere and your company. Review and sign the contract to proceed.

  7. Select Consultants: Choose the consultants you wish to work with. Ensure they are at arm’s length from your company and their fees are at fair market value.

  8. Complete the Project: Work with the selected consultants to complete the approved activities within the six-month project period.

  9. Submit a Claim for Reimbursement: After the project is finished, submit a claim with all project expenses. Ensure all costs are paid before submitting the claim.

  10. Receive Reimbursement: Once your claim is accepted, you will be reimbursed for eligible costs as per the program guidelines.

Visit Program Website