Indigenous Forestry Initiative

Up to $50,000
Application Difficulty
Application DeadlineOctober 30, 2023
Time To Complete4 weeksProgram Budgetno cap
See If You Qualify


This program is designed for you. It supports Indigenous-led activities in the forest sector. By applying, you can access up to $50,000 in grants or contributions for larger projects. This funding can help you gather and protect Indigenous knowledge, lead forest stewardship, and explore economic opportunities.

What You Get

  • Financial support for sustainable forest management planning
  • Funding for economic development in forestry and forest products manufacturing
  • Resources for training and skills development to diversify the workforce

Why Apply?

  • Influence forest management and policy development
  • Access capital for start-ups, expansions, and joint ventures
  • Support for developing tools, technologies, and services in the forest sector

Applying is straightforward, and the program is tailored to support your business's growth and leadership in the forest sector.

Financing Details

Type of Financing: Grant

Repayment Terms and Interest Rates:

  • There are no repayment terms or interest rates. This is a grant, meaning the funds do not need to be repaid.

Eligible Expenses:

  • Gathering, developing, using, and protecting Indigenous knowledge and science.
  • Indigenous leadership and participation in forest stewardship.
  • Identification, consideration, and pursuit of economic development opportunities in the forest sector.

Ineligible Uses of Funds:

  • The funds cannot be used for activities outside the scope of Indigenous-led forest sector initiatives.
  • Personal expenses or unrelated business activities are not covered.


  • There are no fees associated with this grant program.


  • Must be an Indigenous community or entity holding collective Indigenous and Treaty rights under Section 35 of the Constitution of Canada (1982).
  • Indigenous entities that do not hold collective rights but propose similar activities can apply for contributions.
  • Eligible recipients include:

    • Indigenous communities and governments (Indian Act bands, self-governing First Nations, Métis community organizations, modern treaty implementation organizations, etc.)
    • Tribal councils or entities that fulfill a similar function (e.g., general council)
    • National and regional Indigenous organizations, as well as tribal organizations
    • Indigenous organizations (with 50% or greater Indigenous ownership) that are legally registered or incorporated for-profit and not-for-profit corporations, businesses, joint ventures, partnerships, associations, co-operatives, and institutions
    • Non-Indigenous entities validly incorporated or registered in Canada working with or on behalf of one or more endorsing Indigenous partner organization(s), including:
      • Not-for-profit organizations
      • Academia and research associations
      • Provincial, territorial, municipal, and regional governments
  • Disqualifications:

    • Entities that do not have an Indigenous partner or endorsement.
    • Entities not registered or incorporated in Canada.
    • Indigenous organizations with less than 50% Indigenous ownership.


This program offers your business a chance to receive up to $50,000 in grants. This money can support various activities in the forest sector, especially those led by Indigenous communities.

You can use the funds for:

  • Gathering and protecting Indigenous knowledge and science
  • Leading and participating in forest stewardship
  • Exploring and pursuing economic opportunities in forestry

The grants aim to enhance Indigenous influence and leadership in sustainable forest management. This is a great opportunity for your business to engage in meaningful projects that align with Indigenous priorities and contribute to the forest sector's growth.

The program also offers contributions for larger projects, with decisions expected by March 2024. These contributions can support activities like consultation, planning, and workforce development. This funding can help your business expand, innovate, and diversify within the forestry industry.

Program Steps

  1. Access the Online Application Portal: Visit NRCan’s online application portal and create your profile.

  2. Complete the Expression of Interest Form: Fill out the IFI Expression of Interest form available on the portal.

  3. Prepare Documentation: Gather the necessary documents to support your application. These may include:

    • Proof of Indigenous identity or partnership
    • Business plan or project proposal
    • Financial statements
    • Letters of support or endorsement from Indigenous partners
    • Gender and Diversity Plan (if applicable)
  4. Contact Regional Liaison Officers: Reach out to NRCan’s Regional Liaison Officers to discuss your project ideas and get guidance on the application process.

  5. Submit the Application: Submit your completed Expression of Interest form along with the required documentation through the online portal.

  6. Await Screening Results: If your Expression of Interest is screened in, you may be invited to submit a full project proposal.

  7. Submit Full Project Proposal (if invited): Prepare and submit a detailed project proposal if requested. Ensure all additional documentation and information are included.

  8. Review and Decision: Await the funding decision. Grants decisions are anticipated by mid-December 2023, and contributions decisions by March 2024.

  9. Project Start: Upon approval, begin your project as early as January 2024 for grants, or April 2024 for contributions.

Visit Program Website