Indigenous Languages and Cultures Program — Indigenous Languages Component

Up to $300,000
Application Difficulty
Application DeadlineJune 11, 2024
Time To Complete4 weeksProgram Budgetno cap
See If You Qualify


This program is designed specifically for businesses like yours. It offers multi-year funding to help you reclaim, revitalize, maintain, and strengthen First Nations languages. This funding is more predictable and flexible than other financing options, allowing you to plan long-term projects with confidence.

What You Get

  • Annual and Multi-year proposal-based funding for up to five years
  • Ongoing programmatic funding for long-term language plans


  • Support for language programs and services such as immersion activities and mentor-apprentice programming
  • Capacity building and training including curriculum development and teacher training
  • Community engagement through conferences, gatherings, and planning
  • Resource development like documentation, archiving, and multimedia materials

By being approved, you gain access to resources that will help increase language fluency, create new language speakers, and enhance the vitality of First Nations languages. The application process is straightforward, and your business already qualifies, making it easier to secure this valuable support.

Financing Details

Type of Financing: Grant

Repayment Terms and Interest Rates:

  • No repayment required.
  • No interest rates apply.

Eligible Expenses:

  • Start-up costs for First Nations organizations focused on language revitalization.
  • Salaries and employee benefits.
  • Stipends, allowances, or honoraria for course or activity attendance (in exceptional circumstances).
  • Travel expenses (must adhere to government business rates).
  • Professional development and training programs.
  • Meeting costs.
  • Rent and utilities related to the activities.
  • Photocopying and printing services.
  • Translation and communications.
  • Professional, consulting, and Elder fees.
  • Equipment rental, service, and purchase.
  • Information technology costs (hardware and software upgrades).
  • Minor renovations for promotional language activities.
  • Project supplies and resource materials.
  • General liability insurance.
  • Administrative costs (bookkeeping, office supplies, telephone, fax, utilities, postage, courier fees, photocopying, printing, office space rent, audit, legal, translation). Note: Administrative costs cannot exceed 15% of the total approved funding.

Ineligible Expenses:

  • Capital construction and major renovations.
  • Salaries and honoraria for Board members in regular operations.
  • Core funding for pre-school, elementary, secondary, and post-secondary education.
  • Core operational costs for broadcasting (radio, television, programming).
  • Start-up and operational costs for commercial enterprises.
  • Support for cultural and professional industries development.
  • Contingency and miscellaneous fees.
  • Deficit recovery.


  • No fees associated with the program.


  • Must be a First Nations organization or group within Canada.
  • Organization must be in good standing.
  • Must be owned and controlled by First Nations persons.
  • Must directly deliver language revitalization services or support the delivery of such services.
  • Eligible applicants include:
    • First Nations government or an equivalent organization and its delegated authorities.
    • First Nations-led institutions including accredited programs.
    • First Nations-led not-for-profit organizations.
  • For annual and multi-year project stream:
    • First Nations ad hoc groups formed for specific language work plans.
    • First Nations for-profit organizations, provided activities will not result in income generation for their sole benefit.
  • For ongoing programmatic funding stream:

    • Must have a long-term language plan or work plan in place.
    • Must have a minimum of two years of experience in providing First Nations languages revitalization services.
  • Disqualifications:

    • Organizations not owned and controlled by First Nations persons.
    • Organizations not directly delivering or supporting language revitalization services.
    • Applicants not in good standing with the Department of Canadian Heritage.


This program offers your business a fantastic opportunity to reclaim, revitalize, maintain, and strengthen First Nations languages. You can receive funding for up to five years to support various language revitalization projects.

Here’s what you can use the money for:

  • Developing a language plan
  • Running immersion activities and language nests
  • Mentor-apprentice programming and land-based learning
  • Curriculum development and teacher training
  • Community engagement through conferences and gatherings
  • Documentation and archiving of languages
  • Creating audiovisual and multimedia materials

The funding covers many expenses, including salaries, travel costs, professional development, equipment rental, and administrative costs. You can receive up to 100% of eligible expenses covered by the program, ensuring you have the financial support needed to achieve your goals.

The funding is flexible. You can choose between annual, multi-year, or ongoing programmatic funding, providing predictability and stability for your language projects. This means you can focus on long-term planning and implementation without the worry of reapplying every year.

This program is a valuable resource to help your business make a lasting impact on the preservation and revitalization of First Nations languages.

Program Steps

  1. Read the Application Guidelines: Familiarize yourself with the application guidelines to understand the requirements and process.

  2. Gather Necessary Documentation: Prepare the following documents:

    • General Application Form (Annex B)
    • Organization Overview (Annex C)
    • Summary (Annex D)
    • Budget (Annex F)
    • Development of a Language Plan (Appendix 1), if applicable
    • Project or Ongoing Programmatic Activities & Resources (Appendix 2)
    • Ongoing Programmatic Funding (Appendix 3), if applicable
    • Declaration and Attestation (Annex E)
    • Proof of support from participating First Nations communities (e.g., band council resolutions, letters, or emails)
  3. Complete the Application Forms: Fill out the required forms, including the General Application Form, Organization Overview, Summary, and Budget template.

  4. Develop a Language Plan or Work Plan: If applying for ongoing programmatic funding, ensure you have a comprehensive language plan or work plan that includes:

    • Long-term goals
    • Concrete objectives
    • Multi-year plan (at least 3 years)
    • Detailed activities and strategies
    • Proposed budgets
    • Demonstrated community support
  5. Sign the Declaration and Attestation: Ensure the Declaration and Attestation (Annex E) is signed by the appropriate authority within your organization.

  6. Compile Supporting Documents: Attach all required supporting documents listed in Annex A to your application package.

  7. Submit the Application Package: Send the complete application package electronically to [email protected].

  8. Acknowledge Receipt: Canadian Heritage will acknowledge receipt of your application within two weeks. Ensure you receive this acknowledgment.

  9. Await Evaluation: Your application will be reviewed by the First Nations Review Committee and assessed based on the evaluation criteria.

  10. Respond to Requests for Additional Information: Be prepared to provide additional information or clarification if requested during the evaluation process.

  11. Receive Funding Decision: Await the final funding decision from Canadian Heritage. If approved, review and agree to the funding terms and conditions.

  12. Implement the Project: Upon receiving funding, proceed with implementing your language revitalization project as outlined in your application.

  13. Report Annually: Submit annual reports on the activities and outcomes of your project, including financial reports if required.

  14. Conduct Evaluations: For ongoing programmatic funding, complete an evaluation or assessment of your language plan or work plan before renewal. Share the evaluation report with Canadian Heritage.

Visit Program Website