Indigenous Languages and Cultures Program — Northern Aboriginal Broadcasting

Up to $2,500,000
Application Difficulty
Time To Complete4 weeksProgram Budgetno cap
See If You Qualify


This program is a fantastic opportunity for your business to produce and distribute culturally relevant Indigenous radio and television programming in the North. By applying, you can receive up to $2,500,000 per fiscal year to support your projects. This funding can cover a wide range of expenses, including salaries, training, equipment rental, and more.

What You Get

  • Up to $2,500,000 in funding per fiscal year
  • Support for salaries and employee benefits
  • Training costs directly related to your project
  • Equipment rental, service, and purchase
  • Travel expenses within Canada related to the project


  • Strengthen Indigenous cultural identity and participation in Canadian society
  • Support the reclamation, revitalization, and maintenance of Indigenous languages and cultures
  • Facilitate the establishment and maintenance of production facilities
  • Ensure availability of significant radio and television programming

This funding is highly competitive but offers substantial support to help your business thrive and contribute to the preservation and promotion of Indigenous languages and cultures. The application process is straightforward, and if approved, this funding can significantly enhance your capacity to deliver impactful programming.

Financing Details

Type of Financing: Grant

Repayment Terms and Interest Rates:

  • No repayment required.
  • No interest rates apply.

Eligible Expenses:

  • Salaries and employee benefits directly related to the project.
  • Training costs for project delivery.
  • Rental and utilities for project-specific facilities.
  • Equipment rental, service, and purchase.
  • Project supplies and resource materials.
  • Photocopying, printing, and translation for project activities.
  • Communications related to project activities.
  • Honoraria for Elders and professional services/consulting fees.
  • Travel within Canada for the project.
  • Insurance for project activities.
  • Meetings.
  • Purchase or refurbishment of transmitter systems and receiving equipment.
  • Installation, engineering, and shipping costs.
  • Satellite leasing costs.
  • New and emerging communications technology, including hardware and software upgrades.
  • Administration costs (up to 15% of total funding), including bookkeeping, office supplies, insurance, telephone, fax, postage, courier, photocopying, printing, rent for office space, audit, legal, and translation.

Ineligible Expenses:

  • Capital construction and renovation.
  • Stipends, allowances, or honoraria for course or activity attendance.
  • Salaries and honoraria for principal officers or Board members.
  • Contingency and miscellaneous fees.
  • Deficit recovery.
  • Start-up and operations costs for institutions, training centers, or commercial enterprises.
  • Support for the development of cultural/professional industries.


  • No fees associated with the program.


  • Must be an incorporated Indigenous not-for-profit organization.
  • Must be an Indigenous government or equivalent organization, including councils, governments, or Indigenous groups, communities, or peoples with rights recognized by section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982.
  • Must be an Indigenous community group, including ad-hoc committees established for specific tasks.
  • In exceptional cases, must be a non-Indigenous not-for-profit organization working in partnership with Indigenous organizations or advisory committees where Indigenous organizations do not exist.
  • Must provide broadcast communications north of the Hamelin Line (55th parallel).

  • Disqualifications:

    • Organizations that do not provide broadcast communications north of the Hamelin Line.
    • For-profit organizations.
    • Organizations not working in partnership with Indigenous organizations or advisory committees where Indigenous organizations do not exist (in exceptional cases).


This program offers your business a chance to receive up to $2,500,000 per fiscal year. This funding can be used to produce and distribute Indigenous radio and television programming in the North.

Eligible expenses include:

  • Salaries and employee benefits directly related to the project
  • Training for successful delivery of activities
  • Rental and utilities costs for project-specific facilities
  • Equipment rental, service, or purchase
  • Project supplies and resource materials
  • Communications and travel within Canada related to the project
  • Honoraria for Elders and professional services
  • Satellite leasing costs and new communications technology

The funding aims to support the production of culturally relevant Indigenous programming and maintain production facilities. It also helps protect and enhance Indigenous languages and cultures. This is a great opportunity for your business to contribute to the community while receiving substantial financial support.

Program Steps

  1. Read Application Guidelines: Carefully read the provided application guidelines to understand the requirements and process.

  2. Contact Program Office: Reach out to the program office to receive your application package. You can contact them via email at [email protected] or by phone at 1-866-811-0055.

  3. Prepare Documentation: Gather all necessary documents for your application. This includes:

    • General Application Form
    • Budget for each fiscal year
    • Supporting documents as required in the General Application Form (Checklist and Annex A)
    • Financial statements (audited if applicable)
    • Proof of eligibility (e.g., incorporation documents, partnership agreements)
  4. Complete Application Form: Fill out the General Application Form with accurate and detailed information about your project.

  5. Attach Supporting Documents: Ensure all required supporting documents are attached to your application. This includes the budget, financial statements, and any other necessary documentation.

  6. Sign and Date Application: Make sure to sign and date the General Application Form.

  7. Submit Application: Submit your complete application package electronically to [email protected]. Ensure the email is sent no later than 11:59 p.m. local time on the application deadline date.

  8. Await Confirmation: You will receive an acknowledgment of receipt within two weeks of submitting your application.

  9. Respond to Requests: Be prepared to provide additional information or clarification if requested by the program office during the evaluation process.

  10. Monitor Application Status: Stay in touch with the program office to monitor the status of your application and respond promptly to any further requests or communications.

Visit Program Website