Interactive Digital Media Fund — Production

Up to $300,000
Application Difficulty
Application DeadlineApril 08, 2024
Time To Complete4 weeksProgram Budgetno cap
See If You Qualify


This program is designed for businesses like yours, offering significant financial support to create high-quality, original interactive digital media content. Whether you are in the early stages of concept development or ready to produce market-ready content, this program can provide the funding you need.

What You Get

  • Concept Definition: Up to $50,000 for early-stage activities.
  • Production: Up to $300,000 for creating market-ready content.


  • Non-refundable contributions: You receive up to 50% of eligible Ontario expenses.
  • Flexible funding: Supports both non-linear (e.g., video games, mobile content) and linear (e.g., web series, video content) projects.
  • Economic impact: Your project will contribute positively to the Ontario economy.

Applying is straightforward, and the program is designed to be accessible, even for new companies. Approval can provide the financial boost needed to bring your innovative ideas to life.

Financing Details

Type of Financing: Tax Credit

Repayment Terms and Interest Rates:

  • This is a non-refundable tax credit. There are no repayment terms or interest rates associated with this financing.

Eligible Expenses:

  • Concept Definition: Eligible expenses include costs related to early-stage activities that help prepare for full production. This can include research, planning, and initial development.
  • Production: Eligible expenses include costs directly related to creating market-ready interactive or video content. This can include salaries, production costs, and other expenses necessary for the completion of the project.

Ineligible Expenses:

  • Funds cannot be used for general operational costs not directly related to the project.
  • Marketing and promotional expenses are not covered.
  • Any expenses incurred outside of Ontario are ineligible.


  • There are no fees associated with applying for or receiving this tax credit.


  • Must be an IDM content creator.
  • Business must be located in Ontario.
  • Must be involved in the creation of high-quality, original interactive digital media content.
  • Must be preparing for full production of a market-ready interactive content project (for Concept Definition).
  • Must be creating a market-ready interactive or video content project that will be publicly available to an audience (for Production).
  • Must register corporate information with the Ontario Creates Online Application Portal (OAP).
  • New companies and first-time applicants must contact Ontario Creates at least three weeks in advance to determine eligibility.

  • Disqualifications:

    • Businesses not located in Ontario.
    • Businesses not involved in interactive digital media content creation.
    • Applications submitted by any method other than the Ontario Creates Online Application Portal (OAP).


This program offers your business funding to create high-quality, original interactive digital media content. You can receive up to $50,000 for early-stage activities (Concept Definition) and up to $300,000 for full production of market-ready content.

What you can use the money for:

  • Concept Definition: Early-stage activities to prepare for full production.
  • Production: Creating market-ready interactive or video content.

Funding details:

  • Concept Definition: Minimum request is $10,000, maximum is $50,000.
  • Production: Minimum request is $25,000, maximum is $300,000.

The funds are non-refundable and cover up to 50% of eligible Ontario expenses. This is a great opportunity to bring your digital media projects to life and contribute to the Ontario economy.

Program Steps

  1. Register Your Company:

  2. Start a New Application:

    • Once logged in, find the Ontario Creates IDM Fund program deadline on your dashboard.
    • Click on “Start new application” and follow the onscreen directions to access the application form.
  3. Prepare Necessary Documentation:

    • Corporate Information: Ensure your company’s details are up-to-date in the OAP.
    • Project Proposal: Outline your project, including objectives, scope, and expected outcomes.
    • Budget: Complete the relevant Ontario Creates IDM Fund budget template:
    • Financial Statements: Provide recent financial statements for your company.
    • Supporting Documents: Include any additional documents that support your application, such as letters of support, previous project examples, or market research.
  4. Attend an Information Session (Optional but Recommended):

    • Register for an information session to gain insights into the application process:
      • Interactive Content (Non-Linear): March 5, 2024, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
      • Video Content (Linear): March 6, 2024, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
      • Budget Workshop and AMA Session: March 12, 2024, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
    • Complete the online registration form by 5:00 pm the day before the session.
  5. Submit Your Application:

    • Ensure all sections of the application form are completed.
    • Upload all required documentation.
    • Submit your application via the OAP before the deadline:
      • April 8, 2024, by 5:00 pm EST
      • August 26, 2024, by 5:00 pm EST
  6. Review and Follow-Up:

    • After submission, monitor your email for any follow-up requests from Ontario Creates.
    • Be prepared to provide additional information if required.
  7. Await Decision:

    • Ontario Creates will review your application and notify you of the decision.
    • If approved, discuss the final terms and conditions before receiving the funding.

By following these steps, you can efficiently apply for the program and potentially secure funding for your interactive digital media project.

Visit Program Website