Media Production Fund

Up to $40
Application Difficulty
Application DeadlineMarch 18, 2024
Time To Complete4 weeksProgram Budgetno cap
See If You Qualify


This program is a fantastic opportunity for your business to secure funding for your professional film, television, or digital media project. By applying, you can receive a minimum rebate of 25% on your approved Yukon expenses. This rebate can increase up to 40% based on additional criteria, such as employing more Yukon residents in key positions and having Yukon ownership.

What You Get

  • Minimum 25% rebate on Yukon spend
  • Up to 40% rebate with additional qualifications
  • Support for development, production, and post-production costs

Why Apply?

  • Financial Advantage: This rebate can significantly reduce your production costs, making your project more financially viable.
  • Local Support: By employing Yukon residents, you not only benefit from the rebate but also contribute to the local economy.
  • Ease of Qualification: If your business meets the criteria, the application process is straightforward, and the potential financial support is substantial.

Being approved for this program can provide the financial boost needed to bring your project to life, ensuring you have the resources to produce high-quality content.

Financing Details

Type of Financing: Rebate

Repayment Terms and Interest Rates:

  • No repayment terms or interest rates. This is a rebate program.

Eligible Expenses:

  • Development costs
  • Salary, wages, or other fees for production personnel
  • Costs for renting production equipment
  • Post-production costs
  • Unit publicity costs incurred during production
  • Producer fees and corporate overhead
  • Accounting fees
  • Arm’s-length legal costs

Ineligible Expenses:

  • Costs incurred more than 12 months before the funding agreement, with limited exceptions


  • No fees associated with the program


  • Must be incorporated in the Yukon.
  • Must be registered to conduct business in the Yukon.
  • Must be in good standing with Government of Yukon Corporate Affairs.
  • Must have a Yukon business address.
  • Must be a production company primarily in the business of developing and producing professional media content.
  • Must be a for-profit company subject to Canada’s Income Tax Act.
  • Must have the rights to produce and exploit the project.
  • Must maintain a financial stake in the project.
  • Must have a minimum of 3 Yukoners in key positions.

  • Disqualifications:

    • Companies in the business of broadcasting or distributing content.
    • Companies related to someone in the business of broadcasting or distributing content.
    • Companies in default with the Government of Yukon.


This program offers funding for your professional film, television, or digital media project. You can receive a minimum rebate of 25% on your approved Yukon expenses. This rebate can increase up to 40% based on specific criteria, such as having more Yukon residents in key positions or having Yukon ownership in the project.

Here's what you can use the funds for:

  • Development costs
  • Salaries and wages for production personnel
  • Renting production equipment
  • Post-production costs
  • Unit publicity costs during production
  • Producer fees and corporate overhead
  • Accounting and legal fees

The funding helps you cover essential costs and supports your project from start to finish. You only need to repay the funds if you do not meet the conditions outlined in your agreement. This program is a great opportunity to reduce your production costs and invest more in the quality and reach of your project.

Program Steps

  1. Review the Program Policy and Business Guidelines: Familiarize yourself with the program policy and business guidelines to ensure you understand all requirements and criteria.

  2. Contact Media Development: Discuss your application with Media Development to clarify any questions and receive guidance on the process.

  3. Prepare Documentation: Gather and prepare the necessary documents for your application. These include:

    • Completed and signed application form
    • Project summary
    • Existing creative materials
    • Description of activities and deliverables
    • Letter of commitment, licence agreement, or deal memo from the broadcaster, distributor, or online platform
    • Project schedule
    • Yukon locations list
    • Related party transaction list
    • Chain of title showing rights to exploit the project
    • Financing plan for production
    • Production budget with estimated Yukon spend
    • Description of the production company
    • Overview of personnel involved
    • Residency declaration for each Yukon resident
    • Co-production agreement verification
    • Yukon residency declaration form
  4. Download and Complete the Application Form: Ensure all sections of the application form are filled out accurately and completely.

  5. Submit the Application: Submit your completed application form and all required documentation. You can submit it:

    • In person: 303 Alexander Street, 2nd floor, Whitehorse (Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.)
    • Email: [email protected] (if files are under 10 MB in total)
    • Mail: Government of Yukon Media Development (F-1) Box 2703 Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6
  6. Await Confirmation: After submission, await confirmation and any further instructions from Media Development.

  7. Follow Up: If needed, follow up with Media Development for any additional information or clarification on your application status.

Visit Program Website