NGen — Electric Vehicle Manufacturing Value Chain Program (EVMP)

Application Difficulty
Time To Complete4 weeksProgram Budgetno cap
See If You Qualify


This program is designed specifically for businesses like yours in the advanced manufacturing and technology sectors. It offers up to $35 million in funding to support innovative, collaborative projects that enhance Canada's EV supply chain. This is a unique opportunity to scale up your production capabilities and integrate your products into the growing EV market.

Why Apply?

  • Significant Funding: Access substantial financial support to develop advanced manufacturing technologies and processes.
  • Economic Growth: Contribute to creating jobs and adding value to the Canadian economy.
  • Competitive Advantage: Gain a significant edge by developing new processes and integrating made-in-Canada parts and technology into EV value chains.

Key Benefits

  • Reduced Costs: Lower the overall cost of manufacturing ZEV products in Canada.
  • Improved Quality: Enhance the quality of your products and reduce operational emissions.
  • Flexibility: Build flexibility into your production process, ensuring long-term sustainability and growth.

Qualifying for this program is straightforward, with clear guidelines and support available throughout the application process. By participating, you'll not only receive financial backing but also position your business as a leader in the rapidly expanding EV market.

Financing Details

Type of Financing:

  • Grant: The program offers grants to support the manufacturing scale-up of innovation in road-based Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV) and fuel Cell Electric vehicles (FCEV) and their systems and components.

Repayment Terms and Interest Rates:

  • There is no repayment required for the grant received, as it is non-repayable and does not accrue interest.

Eligible Expenses:

  • Eligible expenses include the development of advanced manufacturing technologies, novel manufacturing processes, closed-loop/generative design for manufacturing, and circular economy processes and capabilities along the ZEV value-chain.

Ineligible Expenses:

  • The funds cannot be used for general operating expenses, personal expenses, or any expenses not directly related to the approved project.


  • There are no fees associated with the grant program, making it a cost-effective option for businesses looking to innovate in the electric vehicle manufacturing sector.


  • Must be a Canadian business.
  • Must be part of the automotive supply chain.
  • Must focus on the development of advanced manufacturing technology or processes.
  • Must demonstrate meaningful collaboration with a minimum of two Canadian industry partners.
  • Must have a short to medium path to commercialization.
  • Must generate significant commercial and economic benefits.
  • Must provide broader benefits to Canada’s advanced manufacturing ecosystem.

  • Disqualifications:
  • Businesses not involved in the automotive supply chain.
  • Projects that do not focus on advanced manufacturing technology or processes.
  • Projects without collaboration with at least two Canadian industry partners.
  • Projects without a clear path to commercialization.
  • Projects that do not generate significant commercial and economic benefits.
  • Projects that do not provide broader benefits to Canada’s advanced manufacturing ecosystem.


This program offers your business a chance to receive up to $35 million in funding. This money is aimed at helping you scale up your manufacturing capabilities for electric vehicles (EVs). You can use the funds to develop new processes, improve production, and integrate Canadian-made parts into EVs.

The funding can be used for various projects, such as advanced manufacturing technologies, novel production processes, and circular economy initiatives. This means you can work on everything from refining critical minerals to assembling battery packs and vehicles. The goal is to make your production more efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly.

By participating, you can create jobs, add value to the Canadian economy, and reduce operational emissions. This program is a great opportunity to enhance your business's capabilities and contribute to the growing EV market.

Program Steps

1. Register as a Member:

  • Visit the NGen website and register as a member. This is a necessary step to access the application portal and resources.

2. Prepare Documentation:

  • Gather the following documents:
    • Business Plan
    • Financial Statements
    • Project Proposal
    • Collaboration Agreement (if applicable)
    • SME Declaration Form
    • IP Tables
    • Application Agreement

3. Attend EVMP Collaboration Day:

  • Participate in the EVMP Collaboration Day on June 20, 2023, to network and find potential partners for your project.

4. Submit Expression of Interest (EOI):

  • Access the Project Application Portal starting June 30, 2023.
  • Complete and submit the Expression of Interest by October 11, 2023.

5. Prepare Full Application:

  • If your EOI is approved, prepare the full application.
  • Ensure your project meets the core strategic criteria: Transformative, Collaborative, Applied, and Enduring.

6. Submit Final Application:

  • Submit the final application by November 15, 2023.
  • Include all required documentation and ensure all information is accurate and complete.

7. Review and Approval:

  • The application will be reviewed by NGen.
  • Be prepared to provide additional information or clarification if requested.

8. Finalize Funding Agreement:

  • Upon approval, discuss and finalize the funding agreement.
  • Review the terms, conditions, and any obligations associated with the funding.

9. Project Implementation:

  • Once the funding is secured, begin implementing your project.
  • Ensure compliance with all program requirements and reporting obligations.

10. Monitor and Report:

  • Regularly monitor your project's progress.
  • Submit required reports and updates to NGen as specified in the funding agreement.
Visit Program Website