Nunavut Filmmakers Funding — Creative Content Development Fund

Up to $22,500
Application Difficulty
Time To Complete4 weeksProgram Budgetno cap
See If You Qualify


This program is designed for you. It offers up to $7,500 per grant for developing creative content in screen-based media. You can apply for up to three grants, totaling $22,500. This funding can cover essential costs like rights acquisition, research, script editing, and pre-production activities.

Key Benefits:

  • Flexible Financing: Up to three grants of $7,500 each.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: Funds can be used for various development costs, including script breakdown, scheduling, and preliminary budget preparation.
  • Additional Allowance: An extra 30% of the total eligible base costs can be applied towards producer fees and administrative overhead.

Being approved for this program will provide you with the financial support needed to bring your project to life. The application process is straightforward, and as a qualifying business, you have a high chance of approval.

Financing Details

Type of Financing: Grant

Repayment Terms and Interest Rates:

  • No repayment required.
  • No interest rates applied.

Eligible Expenses:

  • Rights acquisition
  • Research (fees and materials)
  • Script editing (third-party/arm’s length)
  • Writing and applicable fringes
  • Consultation (third-party/arm’s length)
  • Script breakdown, scheduling, and preliminary budget preparation
  • Pre-production (location scouting, casting, packaging, storyboards)
  • Interviewing or demo taping costs (equipment rental, fees, recording discs or tape stock)
  • Airfare (economy rates only) and reasonable accommodation/per diem

Ineligible Expenses:

  • Option or acquisition payments to a co-production partner or licensor
  • Hardware/software upgrades
  • Corporate website development and/or maintenance


  • No fees associated with the program.


  • Qualifications:

    • Production Company:
      • Must be registered.
      • Majority owned by Nunavut residents.
      • Head office in Nunavut.
    • Non-profit Production Company:
      • Must be registered.
      • Majority of its voting members must reside in Nunavut.
      • Head office in Nunavut.
    • Individual Producer:
      • Must be a resident of Nunavut.
      • Must have at least one year of experience producing or be a new producer with demonstrated ability to complete the tasks.
      • Must have demonstrated commitment to working professionally within the industry.
  • Disqualifications:

    • Projects that include:
      • News, current events, or public affairs programming.
      • Programs that include weather or market reports.
      • Talk shows.
      • Sports events or activities.
      • Gala presentations or award shows.
      • Projects that solicit funds.
      • Pornography.
      • Advertising and commercials.
      • Projects produced primarily for industrial, corporate, or institutional purposes.
      • Projects, other than documentaries, which substantially consist of stock footage.
      • Digital media games intended primarily for the video arcade market.


This program offers your business up to three grants of $7,500 each. You can use this money to develop creative content in screen-based media, such as digital media projects or television programming.

You can use the funds for:

  • Rights acquisition
  • Research fees and materials
  • Script editing and writing
  • Consultation fees
  • Pre-production activities like location scouting and casting
  • Equipment rental and demo taping costs
  • Airfare and reasonable accommodation

There are some conditions:

  • You must complete each grant phase successfully before applying for the next.
  • You need to show market interest through third-party funding.

Payment structure:

  • 75% of the grant is paid upfront when you sign the agreement.
  • 25% of the grant is paid after you submit the final content, accounting of costs, and an Economic Impact Report.

This program is an excellent opportunity to support your business's growth in the media industry.

Program Steps

  1. Gather Required Documentation: Prepare the following documents to complete your application:

    • Budget
    • Financing Plan
    • CV and biography of Producer
    • Corporate Profile and Past Productions
    • Certificate of Incorporation / Registration
    • Chain of Title Documents
    • Portfolio (Examples of Work)
    • Certificate of Officer
  2. Complete the Application Form: Fill out the application form with details about your business and project. This includes:

    • Applicant type (Individual or Nunavut Production Company)
    • Application phase
    • Copyright ownership status
    • Standing with Nunavut Film and Corporate Registry
    • Incorporation details
    • Contact information for the applicant and co-applicant (if applicable)
    • Project details (title, start and completion dates, category, genre, language, target audience, development phase, synopsis, description, rights ownership, key personnel, and their bios)
  3. Submit the Application: Upload the prepared documents to the application form and submit it through the designated platform or email address provided.

  4. Review and Follow-Up: After submission, monitor your email for any follow-up requests or additional information needed to process your application. Respond promptly to ensure timely review and approval.

  5. Await Approval: Once all documents and information are reviewed, await the decision on your application. If approved, you will receive an initial advance of 75% upon execution of a Contribution agreement with Nunavut Film.

  6. Final Submission: Upon project completion, submit a copy of the content created, final accounting of costs, and an Economic Impact Report to receive the final advance of 25%.

Visit Program Website