OMIF — Live Music

Up to $125,000
Application Difficulty
Application DeadlineOctober 17, 2024
Time To Complete4 weeksProgram Budgetno cap
See If You Qualify


This program is designed for businesses like yours that produce or promote live music events featuring Canadian artists. It offers direct grants to help you increase the number and quality of live music experiences in Ontario. This funding can support events, festivals, and concerts, providing a significant boost to your business.

Why Apply?

  • Increase Opportunities: More events mean more chances for artists to develop their careers and reach larger audiences.
  • Enhance Quality: Improve the caliber of live music experiences in your community.
  • Expand Employment: Create jobs for promoters, presenters, and technical crews.
  • Drive Revenue Growth: Boost your business and contribute to Ontario's economic development.

What’s in it for You?

  • Matching Contribution: You provide a matching contribution to maximize the return on investment.
  • Clear Outcomes: Demonstrate measurable outcomes that align with the program’s objectives.
  • Easy Qualification: If your business fits the criteria, qualifying is straightforward.

Applying for this program can help you grow your business, support local artists, and enhance the live music scene in Ontario.

Financing Details

Type of Financing: Direct Grant

Repayment Terms and Interest Rates:

  • No repayment required.
  • No interest rates apply.

Eligible Expenses:

  • Costs related to producing or promoting live music events featuring Canadian artists.
  • Expenses for eligible music festivals and concert series.
  • Costs associated with live-streaming, virtual performances, and hybrid formats.

Ineligible Expenses:

  • Fees and expenses related to international artists/groups.
  • Capital expenditures, except for specific circumstances where only the amortization expense is eligible.


  • No application fees.
  • No administrative fees.


  • Must be a domestic music promoter or presenter, including festivals.
  • Must have revenues under $1M if applying for both OMIF and Experience Ontario.
  • Must be a Canadian-controlled corporation (more than 50% owned by Canadians).
  • Must be registered in Ontario and have a permanent office in Ontario.
  • Must provide financial statements for the most recently completed fiscal year and the previous fiscal year.
  • Must demonstrate clear, measurable outcomes aligning with the objectives of the Live Music stream.
  • Must provide a matching contribution to ensure maximum ROI from provincial investment.
  • Must acknowledge having or being able to obtain general liability insurance.

  • Disqualifications:

    • Domestic music promoters and presenters with revenues over $1M who meet the eligibility criteria of Experience Ontario are NOT eligible to apply for OMIF.
    • Businesses that have received funding from both OMIF and Experience Ontario for the same event in the same activity window.


This program offers direct grants to help your business produce or promote live music events featuring Canadian artists. You can use this funding to enhance the quality and number of live music experiences, such as festivals and concerts, for both residents and visitors in Ontario.

Key benefits for your business include:

  • Increased opportunities for artists: By reaching new and larger audiences, artists can develop their careers and increase their income through performance-related revenue streams.
  • Enhanced live music experiences: The program aims to advance the caliber of live music events across Ontario, benefiting communities throughout the province.
  • Expanded employment opportunities: This funding supports not just artists, but also promoters, presenters, technical crews, and other professionals in the live music sector.
  • Economic growth: Live music events drive revenue growth and economic development in Ontario.

To ensure the best return on investment, the program requires you to provide a matching contribution. You must also demonstrate clear, measurable outcomes that align with the program's objectives. This is a great opportunity to boost your business while contributing to the vibrant live music scene in Ontario.

Program Steps

  1. Review Program Guidelines: Thoroughly read the OMIF Live Music Guidelines and Ontario Creates Program Policies to understand the requirements and objectives.

  2. Register Your Company: If you haven't already, register your company's corporate information with the Online Application Portal (OAP).

  3. Prepare Documentation: Gather the necessary documents for your application. These include:

    • Financial statements for the most recent fiscal year and the previous fiscal year.
    • Business plan with company profile, business activities, S.W.O.T. analysis, and risk management plans.
    • OMIF Live Music Activity Budget Template.
    • Applicant Affidavit.
    • Certificate of Insurance (if applicable).
  4. Develop a Detailed Proposal: Create a proposal outlining your live music event, including:

    • Event description.
    • Objectives and measurable outcomes.
    • Budget and financing plan.
    • Marketing and promotion strategies.
  5. Contact Program Coordinator: Reach out to the Program Coordinator at [email protected] to discuss your application and clarify any questions.

  6. Complete Online Application: Log in to the Online Application Portal and fill out the application form, ensuring all required fields and documents are included.

  7. Submit Application: Submit your completed application by the deadline (October 17, 2024, at 5:00 PM EST).

  8. Await Review: The application will be reviewed by Ontario Creates. Be prepared to provide additional information if requested.

  9. Receive Notification: You will be notified of the application's outcome. If approved, review the funding agreement and provide any additional required documents, such as the Certificate of Insurance.

  10. Implement Project: Once funding is received, proceed with your live music event as outlined in your proposal, ensuring all activities align with the program's objectives.

Visit Program Website