Ontario Labour Market Partnerships

Application Difficulty
Time To Complete4 weeksProgram Budgetno cap
See If You Qualify


This program is designed for businesses like yours to address labour market issues and prepare for future skills requirements. By participating, you can form valuable partnerships with other businesses and community organizations, which can help you tackle current and emerging human resource needs.

Key Benefits:

  • Financial and in-kind support for projects that address labour market challenges.
  • Access to innovative strategies to prevent skill shortages and prepare for future industry needs.
  • Enhanced use of local human resources to maximize your business potential.

The program offers flexible financing options tailored to your project's needs, making it easier to manage than traditional loans. By qualifying, you can gain the resources needed to develop and promote labour market intelligence, ensuring your business stays ahead in a competitive market. The application process is straightforward, and with your business already meeting the criteria, approval can provide significant advantages.

Financing Details

Type of Financing:

  • Grant

Repayment Term and Interest Rates:

  • No repayment required, as it is a grant with no interest rates.

Eligible Expenses:

  • Expenses related to addressing labor market challenges, such as preventing skills shortages within new and emerging industries and organizations.
  • Projects that include two or more partners contributing financial or in-kind resources.

Ineligible Expenses:

  • Funds cannot be used for projects that are dependent upon future funding.
  • Expenses not related to addressing labor market challenges.


  • No fees associated with the program.


  • Must be located in Ontario.
  • Must involve two or more partners, contributing financial or in-kind resources.
  • Must address a labour market issue.
  • Projects must have clear start and end dates.
  • Projects must not be dependent upon future funding.

  • Disqualifications:
  • Projects that do not address a labour market issue.
  • Projects with only one partner.
  • Projects without clear start and end dates.
  • Projects dependent on future funding.


This program offers funding when you collaborate with your employees, employee associations, and community organizations to tackle labour market challenges. You can receive financial support to address issues like preventing skills shortages in new and emerging industries.

The funding can be used for:

  • Developing innovative strategies to prepare for future skills requirements
  • Promoting the effective use of local human resources
  • Creating and using labour market intelligence for development

The amount of funding varies based on the project. Projects must have clear start and end dates and involve at least two partners contributing resources. This program is a great opportunity to strengthen your business and community by addressing important labour market needs.

Program Steps

1. Gather Necessary Documentation:

  • Business registration details
  • Financial statements (last two years)
  • Business plan
  • Project proposal outlining the labour market issue and proposed solution
  • Partnership agreements or letters of support from partners
  • Budget and funding details

2. Develop a Project Proposal:

  • Clearly define the labour market issue your project will address
  • Outline the objectives and expected outcomes
  • Specify the roles and contributions of each partner
  • Include a timeline with start and end dates

3. Contact Local Ontario Employment Assistance Services Office:

4. Complete the Application Form:

  • Obtain the application form from your local Ontario Employment Assistance Services office
  • Fill out the form with accurate and detailed information about your project

5. Submit the Application:

  • Ensure all required documents are attached
  • Submit the completed application form and supporting documents to your local Ontario Employment Assistance Services office

6. Follow Up:

  • Keep in contact with the Ontario Employment Assistance Services office to track the status of your application
  • Be prepared to provide any additional information or clarification if requested

7. Await Approval and Funding:

  • Once your application is reviewed and approved, discuss the final terms and conditions
  • Upon agreement, the funding will be disbursed to start your project

By following these steps, you can successfully apply for the program and take advantage of the support offered to address labour market issues in your community.

Visit Program Website