Quebec Fisheries Fund — Science partnerships

Up to $500,000
Application Difficulty
Time To Complete4 weeksProgram Budgetno cap
See If You Qualify


This program is designed for businesses in Quebec's fish and seafood sector. It offers a unique chance to boost your business through innovation and sustainable practices. By applying, you can access funding for new products and technologies, upgraded infrastructure, and science partnerships that enhance your industry knowledge.

Why Apply?

  • Innovation Funding: Support for developing new products and technologies.
  • Infrastructure Support: Financial aid for adopting new technologies or processes.
  • Science Partnerships: Collaborate with academia and research institutions to improve knowledge and sustainable practices.

What's in it for You?

  • Financial Assistance: Access to funds that can help you stay competitive and grow.
  • Sustainable Development: Support for implementing eco-friendly harvesting technologies.
  • Easy Application: Submit your application anytime throughout the fiscal year.

This program offers a streamlined way to secure funding, making it easier to qualify compared to traditional loans. Approval can significantly enhance your business operations and sustainability efforts.

Financing Details

Type of Financing:

  • Contribution: Receive a contribution of up to $500,000 per year for research on ecosystem changes' impacts on the fish and seafood sector and for establishing partnerships or networks for innovation activities.

Repayment Terms and Interest Rates:

  • Repayment: No repayment terms specified, as it is a contribution rather than a loan.
  • Interest Rates: No interest rates mentioned, as it is a non-repayable contribution.

Eligible Expenses:

  • Research: Funding can be used for research related to ecosystem changes' effects on the fish and seafood industry.
  • Partnerships: Funds can be utilized for forming partnerships or networks to conduct innovation activities in the sector.

Ineligible Expenses:

  • Non-Research Costs: Funds cannot be used for non-research purposes or expenses unrelated to ecosystem impacts or innovation activities.


  • No Fees: No fees mentioned, as it is a non-repayable contribution without associated costs.


  • Must be a business operating in Quebec.
  • Must be involved in the fish and seafood sector.
  • Must be engaged in activities that promote innovation, infrastructure development, or science partnerships.
  • Must be focused on sustainable development and the implementation of new technologies or processes.

  • Disqualifications:
  • Businesses outside the fish and seafood sector.
  • Businesses not operating in Quebec.


The Quebec Fisheries Fund is designed to help your business grow and innovate in the fish and seafood sector. This program offers financial support to encourage new products and technologies, improve infrastructure, and foster partnerships in scientific research.

You can use the funds to:

  • Develop and implement new technologies.
  • Upgrade your infrastructure to support sustainable practices.
  • Collaborate with academic and research institutions to better understand ecosystem changes and adopt sustainable harvesting methods.

The benefits to your business include:

  • Access to financial resources to drive innovation and sustainability.
  • Support for infrastructure improvements that can enhance your operations.
  • Opportunities for collaboration with experts to stay ahead in the industry.

This program is a great opportunity to advance your business while contributing to the sustainable development of Quebec's fisheries sector.

Program Steps

To apply for the Quebec Fisheries Fund, follow these steps:

1. Prepare Your Proposal: Develop a detailed proposal outlining your project. Ensure it aligns with the fund's objectives, such as innovation, infrastructure improvements, or new science partnerships.

2. Gather Required Documentation: Collect all necessary documents to support your application. These include:

  • Business registration documents
  • Financial statements
  • Project plan and budget
  • Proof of eligibility (e.g., proof of business location in Quebec)
  • Any additional documents specified in the application guidelines

3. Complete the Application Form: Fill out the application form available on the program's website. Provide accurate and thorough information to avoid delays.

4. Submit Your Application: Submit your completed application form and all required documentation through the designated submission portal or by mail, as specified in the application instructions.

5. Follow Up: After submission, monitor your email and other contact methods for any communication from the program administrators. They may request additional information or clarification.

6. Await Evaluation: Your application will be reviewed and evaluated based on the program's criteria. Be patient during this period and prepare to provide any additional information if requested.

7. Receive Decision: Once the evaluation is complete, you will be notified of the decision. If approved, you will receive further instructions on how to proceed with the funding.

By following these steps, you can ensure a smooth application process for the Quebec Fisheries Fund.

Visit Program Website