Sector Council Program

Application Difficulty
Time To Complete4 weeksProgram Budgetno cap
See If You Qualify


The Sector Council Program is designed specifically for businesses like yours. It offers funding for workforce training to help your business grow and thrive. This program supports training for both new and existing employees, ensuring they have the skills needed to boost productivity and competitiveness.

Key Benefits:

  • Short-term training for existing workers to meet business goals.
  • Support for entrepreneurs to grow their business.
  • Collaboration with educational institutions to ensure graduates have the skills you need.
  • Promotion of sector jobs and careers through various channels.

By participating, you can address immediate and long-term skills gaps, improve your market access, and develop new products and processes. The program is designed to be accessible and beneficial, making it easier for you to qualify and receive the support you need.

Financing Details

Type of Financing: Grant

Repayment Terms:
There are no repayment terms or interest rates associated with this grant. The funds provided do not need to be repaid.

Eligible Expenses:
The grant can be used for the following expenses:

  • Workforce training for new and existing employees.
  • Development of strategies to address skills and labour gaps.
  • Short-term training to increase productivity and competitiveness.
  • New product and process development.
  • Market access initiatives.
  • Entrepreneurial support and training.
  • Curriculum development and updates for post-secondary institutions.
  • School-to-work bridge training programs.
  • Career development activities and promotion.

Ineligible Expenses:
The funds cannot be used for:

  • Capital expenditures such as purchasing equipment or real estate.
  • General operating expenses unrelated to the training and development initiatives.
  • Any expenses not directly tied to workforce development and training.

There are no fees associated with applying for or receiving this grant.


  • Must be located in Manitoba.
  • Must be part of one of the following sectors:

    • Aerospace
    • Bioscience
    • Construction
    • Creative
    • Film
    • Information, Communication and Digital Technologies
    • Natural Resources, Energy and Environment
    • Primary and Value Added Agriculture
    • Tourism, Hospitality and Retail/Customer Service
    • Traditional and Advanced Manufacturing
    • Transportation and Distribution
  • Disqualifications:

    • Businesses outside of Manitoba.
    • Businesses not part of the specified sectors.


The Sector Council Program is designed to help your business grow and succeed by providing targeted workforce training. You can receive funding to train both new and current employees, ensuring they have the skills needed to boost productivity and competitiveness.

Funds can be used for:

  • Short-term training to meet business goals
  • Developing new products and processes
  • Increasing market access
  • Supporting entrepreneurs in growing their businesses

There are no payback requirements for the funding you receive. This means you can focus on using the funds to improve your business without worrying about repayment.

Additional benefits include:

  • Advising post-secondary institutions on curriculum development
  • Providing school-to-work bridge training
  • Promoting sector jobs and careers through various activities

This program is a great opportunity to enhance your workforce and stay competitive in the market.

Program Steps

  1. Gather Required Documentation: Prepare the necessary documents for your application. These may include:

    • Business registration details
    • Financial statements (e.g., balance sheets, income statements)
    • Business plan
    • Details of current and projected workforce
    • Training needs assessment
  2. Identify Sector Organization: Determine the appropriate sector organization for your business. Examples include Manitoba Aerospace, Bioscience Association Manitoba, and Manitoba Construction Sector Council.

  3. Contact Sector Organization: Reach out to the relevant sector organization to express your interest in the program. They will provide specific guidance and support tailored to your sector.

  4. Consultation and Needs Assessment: Work with the sector organization to identify your business’s immediate, short-term, and long-term skills and labor gaps. This step involves a detailed consultation to develop strategies for addressing these gaps.

  5. Develop Training Plan: Collaborate with the sector organization to create a training plan for your employees. This plan should align with your business goals, such as increasing productivity, competitiveness, and market access.

  6. Submit Application: Complete and submit the application form provided by the sector organization. Ensure all required documentation is included and the training plan is clearly outlined.

  7. Review and Approval: The sector organization will review your application. They may request additional information or modifications to your training plan.

  8. Receive Funding: Upon approval, you will receive funding to implement the training plan. The sector organization will provide ongoing support and monitoring to ensure the training meets your business needs.

  9. Implement Training: Begin the training programs for your employees as outlined in the approved plan. Monitor progress and make adjustments as needed.

  10. Report Outcomes: After the training is completed, report the outcomes to the sector organization. This may include improvements in productivity, new skills acquired by employees, and overall business growth.

Visit Program Website