Supporting Artistic Practice — Literary Publishing Projects

Up to $30,000
Application Difficulty
Application DeadlineMay 01, 2024
Time To Complete4 weeksProgram Budgetno cap
See If You Qualify


This program is designed for Canadian literary book and magazine publishers like you. It offers up to $30,000 in grants to support the publication of literary works by Canadian writers. This funding can help you develop and promote your authors, ensuring their voices reach a wider audience.

Why Apply?

  • Financial Support: Up to $30,000 to cover publishing costs.
  • Promotion: Funds can be used to market and promote Canadian literary works.
  • Growth: Helps you expand your catalog and reach new readers.


  • Non-repayable Grants: Unlike loans, you don't have to pay back the grant.
  • Focused on Canadian Content: Supports the unique voices of Canadian writers.
  • Easy Qualification: If you meet the basic criteria, you are likely to qualify.

Applying for this program can provide the financial boost you need to publish more works and grow your business. Take advantage of this opportunity to support Canadian literature and enhance your publishing portfolio.

Financing Details

Type of Financing: Grant

Eligible Expenses:

  • Publication of literary books and magazines authored by Canadian writers.
  • Activities that develop and promote Canadian literary writers through the publishing process.

Use of Funds:

  • Funds can be used for eligible literary works as defined by the program.
  • Cannot be used for activities that receive funding from another Canada Council program.
  • Cannot be used for activities listed on the general list of ineligible activities.


  • There are no fees associated with applying for this grant.

Repayment Terms:

  • As this is a grant, there is no repayment required.


  • Must be a Canadian literary book or creative writing magazine publisher.
  • Must have a validated profile created in the portal.
  • Must pay fees or royalties according to standards of the arts practice.
  • Must have fulfilled all contractual obligations related to copyright payments as of the application deadline.
  • Book publishers must have published at least 1 eligible literary title in the year preceding the application.
  • Creative writing magazines must have published at least 2 print issues of the magazine in the year preceding the application.
  • Electronic creative writing magazines must have been available and maintained a publishing program for at least 12 months before the deadline.

  • Disqualifications:

    • Organizations presently receiving core (operating) grants.


This program offers your business up to $30,000 in grant money. You can use this money to help develop and promote Canadian literary writers through the publishing process. This includes publishing literary books and magazines authored by Canadian writers.

You can use the grant for:

  • Publishing literary books
  • Producing creative writing magazines

The grant money is non-repayable, so you won't need to pay it back. This is a great opportunity to support and grow your publishing projects without the financial burden of a loan.

By participating in this program, you can enhance your business's ability to promote Canadian literature and reach a wider audience.

Program Steps

  1. Create an Account on the Portal:

    • Visit the portal and create an account.
    • Submit one or more profiles for validation at least 30 days before you want to apply.
  2. Prepare Necessary Documentation:

    • Gather the following documents:
      • Financial statements
      • Business plan
      • Details of intended use of funds (e.g., quotes for publishing costs)
      • Proof of publication history (e.g., at least 1 eligible literary title for book publishers or 2 print issues for creative writing magazines)
      • Proof of payment of fees or royalties according to arts practice standards
      • Documentation of fulfilled contractual obligations related to copyright payments
  3. Review Guidelines and Application Form:

    • Download and review the guidelines and application form from the portal.
    • Ensure you understand the requirements and criteria for the grant.
  4. Complete the Application Form:

    • Fill out the application form with accurate and detailed information.
    • Include all necessary documentation and appendices as required.
  5. Submit the Application:

    • Submit your completed application form and all required documents through the portal by the deadline (1 May 2024).
  6. Consult Deadlines and Notification of Results:

    • Check the Deadlines and Notification of Results page for updates on when you will be notified about the status of your application.
  7. Contact an Officer for Assistance:

    • If you have any questions or need further assistance, contact an officer through the portal for guidance.
Visit Program Website