Whalesafe Gear Adoption Fund

Up to $3,510,000
Application Difficulty
Application DeadlineDecember 14, 2023
Time To Complete4 weeksProgram Budgetno cap
See If You Qualify


This program is designed for businesses like yours. It offers up to $20 million in funding to help you purchase, test, and refine whalesafe fishing gear. This is a unique opportunity to upgrade your equipment while contributing to the protection of marine life.

What You Get

  • Financial support for purchasing whalesafe gear
  • Testing and refinement of new gear technologies
  • Access to innovative gear such as low breaking-strength ropes and on-demand systems

Why Apply?

  • Government-backed funding ensures reliability and support
  • Improved safety for marine mammals, enhancing your business's sustainability
  • Potential cost savings through increased domestic supply and lower gear costs

Ease of Qualification

  • The program is designed to be accessible, with straightforward eligibility criteria. Approval can provide significant benefits, making it easier for your business to transition to safer, more sustainable fishing practices.

Financing Details

Type of Financing: Grant

Repayment Terms:

  • No repayment required.
  • No interest rates apply.

Eligible Expenses:

  • Purchase of whalesafe fishing gear.
  • Testing and refinement of whalesafe gear.
  • Training and implementation of whalesafe gear.
  • Support for Canadian manufacturers to increase supply of whalesafe gear.

Ineligible Expenses:

  • Administrative costs unrelated to the purchase or testing of whalesafe gear.
  • Personal expenses or non-business-related costs.
  • Any expenses not directly tied to the objectives of the Whalesafe Gear Adoption Fund.


  • No application fees.
  • No processing fees.
  • No hidden charges.


  • Must be a Canadian not-for-profit or charitable organization.
  • Must be a Canadian company, business, organization, or association.
  • Must be an Indigenous organization or community.
  • Must be a recognized research, academic, or educational institution.

  • Disqualifications:

    • None specified.


This program offers your business up to $20 million to help you buy, test, and improve whalesafe fishing gear. This gear is designed to protect whales by reducing the risk of entanglement.

You can use the funds to:

  • Purchase low breaking-strength ropes or links that break at 1,700 lbs of force, making it easier for whales to free themselves.
  • Invest in rope-on-demand systems that keep buoy lines at the sea floor until needed, or inflatable bag systems that eliminate buoy lines.

The money provided is a grant, so you do not need to pay it back. This financial support can help you transition to safer fishing practices without the burden of additional debt. This program is a great opportunity to protect marine life while ensuring your fishing operations remain efficient and sustainable.

Program Steps

  1. Gather Required Documentation: Prepare the necessary documents to support your application. These include:

    • Proof of business registration
    • Financial statements (e.g., balance sheets, income statements)
    • Business plan outlining the use of the whalesafe gear
    • Quotes or invoices for the whalesafe gear you intend to purchase
    • Any previous research or trial results related to whalesafe gear, if applicable
  2. Complete the Application Form: Fill out the application form provided by Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Ensure all sections are completed accurately and thoroughly.

  3. Submit the Application: Submit your completed application form and all required documentation to the designated contact point at Fisheries and Oceans Canada. This can typically be done via email or through an online portal.

  4. Await Review and Feedback: After submission, your application will be reviewed. You may be contacted for additional information or clarification. Be prepared to respond promptly to any requests.

  5. Receive Approval and Funding: If your application is approved, you will receive confirmation and details about the funding amount. Review the terms and conditions associated with the funding.

  6. Implement the Project: Once funding is received, proceed with purchasing and testing the whalesafe gear as outlined in your business plan. Ensure to document the process and results.

  7. Report on Progress: Periodically report on the progress of your project to Fisheries and Oceans Canada. This may include providing updates on gear performance, challenges faced, and any adjustments made.

  8. Complete Final Reporting: Upon completion of the project, submit a final report detailing the outcomes, including successes, lessons learned, and recommendations for future use of whalesafe gear.

Visit Program Website