Yukon Film Predevelopment Fund

Up to $15,000
Application Difficulty
Application DeadlineOctober 07, 2024
Time To Complete4 weeksProgram Budgetno cap
See If You Qualify


This program is a fantastic opportunity for your business to develop your professional film, television, or digital media project. By applying, you can receive up to 75% of your predevelopment costs, with a maximum of $15,000. This funding can help you attract commitments from broadcasters, distributors, or online platforms, setting the stage for further development or production.

What You Get

  • Up to $15,000 in funding
  • Coverage for 75% of eligible predevelopment costs

Eligible Costs Include:

  • Writing and creating pitch material
  • Option fees for underlying rights
  • Scriptwriting consultant and story editor
  • Preliminary research and animation
  • Travel costs for research or meetings with partners
  • Printing, legal costs, producer fees, and corporate overhead

This funding is designed to be more accessible and supportive than other financing options. It is tailored specifically for Yukon-based production companies, making it easier for you to qualify and benefit from the program. By securing this funding, you can focus on the creative and technical aspects of your project, ensuring a smoother path to production and success.

Financing Details

Type of Financing: Grant

Repayment Terms and Interest Rates:
There are no repayment terms or interest rates for this grant. The funds are provided without the need for repayment.

Eligible Expenses:
The grant can be used for the following predevelopment costs:

  • Writing
  • Creating pitch material
  • Option fees for underlying rights
  • Scriptwriting consultant
  • Story editor
  • Preliminary research
  • Animation
  • Travel costs for research or to meet with national or international co-production partners
  • Printing and collating costs
  • Arm’s-length legal costs
  • Producer fees
  • Corporate overhead

Ineligible Expenses:
The funds cannot be used for:

  • Costs incurred before the application submission
  • Returning series
  • Interactive content not eligible for licensing
  • User-generated, non-professional videos by amateurs without formal training or experience
  • News, current events, public affairs programming, weather reports, market reports, sports events or activities, gala presentations, or awards shows
  • Productions that solicit funds, pornography, advertising (including commercials and infomercials)
  • Productions primarily for industrial, corporate, or institutional purposes
  • Productions mainly consisting of stock footage, other than documentaries
  • Production of games, questionnaires, or contests, other than those directed at minors

There are no fees associated with applying for or receiving this grant.


  • Must be incorporated in the Yukon.
  • Must be registered to conduct business in the Yukon.
  • Must be in good standing with Government of Yukon Corporate Affairs.
  • Must be majority owned by Yukon residents.
  • Must have a Yukon business address.
  • Must be primarily in the business of developing and producing professional film and television content.
  • Must be a for-profit company under Canada’s Income Tax Act.
  • Must have the rights to produce and exploit the project.
  • Must maintain a financial stake in the project.
  • Must have a Yukon resident as the producer, responsible for:

    • The project’s development.
    • The creative, artistic, technical, and financial aspects of the project.
    • The selection, hiring, and firing of key artists and creative personnel.
    • All expenses related to the project.
    • The project bank accounts.
    • The negotiation of initial agreements.
  • Disqualifications:

    • Companies in the business of broadcasting or distributing content.
    • Companies related to someone in the business of broadcasting or distributing content.
    • Companies in default with the Government of Yukon.


The Predevelopment Fund is a great opportunity for your business to develop ideas for professional films, TV programs, or digital media projects. You can receive up to 75% of your predevelopment costs, with a maximum of $15,000. This funding can help you attract commitments from broadcasters, distributors, or online platforms for further development or production.

Eligible costs include:

  • Writing and creating pitch materials
  • Option fees for underlying rights
  • Scriptwriting consultants and story editors
  • Preliminary research and animation
  • Travel costs for research or meetings
  • Printing, collating, and legal costs
  • Producer fees and corporate overhead

This fund is a one-time opportunity per project, ensuring you have the resources needed to bring your creative vision to life. By securing this funding, you can focus on developing high-quality content that benefits both your business and the Yukon economy.

Program Steps

1. Review Program Policy and Business Guidelines:

  • Familiarize yourself with the program policy and business guidelines to understand the requirements and expectations.

2. Contact Media Development:

  • Reach out to Media Development to discuss your application and clarify any questions you may have.

3. Prepare Documentation:

  • Gather the necessary documents for your application, including:
    • Completed and signed application form
    • Summary of the project
    • Any existing creative materials
    • Description of activities and deliverables for the predevelopment stage
    • Co-production agreement verification (if applicable)
    • Predevelopment budget
    • Financing plan for predevelopment, including letters of commitment detailing terms, conditions, and value of contributions from financial sources
    • Description of the production company, including structure, ownership, names and addresses of shareholders, and incorporation documents
    • Overview of personnel involved in the project, including positions filled by Yukon residents
    • Residency declaration for each Yukon resident

4. Download and Complete the Application Form:

  • Access the application form from the program's website, download it, and fill it out accurately.

5. Submit the Application:

  • Submit the completed application form and all required documentation through one of the following methods:
    • In person: 303 Alexander Street, 2nd floor, Whitehorse (Office hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm)
    • Email: [email protected] (ensure files are under 10 MB in total)
    • Mail: Government of Yukon Media Development (F-1) Box 2703 Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6

6. Await Panel Review:

  • Your application will be reviewed by a panel of industry professionals who will prioritize and assess submissions based on the evaluation criteria in the business guidelines.

7. Receive Funding Decision:

  • If approved, you will receive funding up to 75% of eligible predevelopment costs, with a maximum of $15,000.

8. Credit the Government of Yukon:

  • Ensure to credit the Government of Yukon on all versions and copies of your project, as well as all promotional materials, by stating, "Produced with the participation of" and including the Government of Yukon logo.

9. Final Reporting:

  • Your Media Development advisor will guide you on the templates to use and submit for final reporting, including the affidavit for final costs and expenditure report.
Visit Program Website